Hard times
Here's one of our friendly storks again. We've found out that they like to eat cheese and they'll hang around for hours waiting for us to throw some pieces into the garden.
White post-Christmas
Pleanty of snow today and a partially clear night. These shots were taken at around 2300 with a 15 second exposure. You can make out some stars on the last shot.
Enjoyable Chinese art exhibition in The Hague at
Beelden aan zee.
More birdies
Ducks and gulls in the park De Braak, behind our house.
Very pleased with this shot of a Japanese chef at restaurant Benkei in The Hague blowing out a match after igniting a dash of brandy on our steak flambé.
Exotic visitors
Pleasantly suprised to see lots of green parrots in the garden, supervised by a stork. Or is it a heron?